Via Caprera
The venue collects all the works created by Enrico Michieletto (1962), from the first studies of the 70s up to the latest works, still evolving
The Works
in the works of Enrico Michieletto there is a strongly ironic matrix that aims to overturn the meanings of things. what is perceived is the reversal of the contents, "true and false" share the same pictorial surface
On the ground floor of the building there is the nurraumproject gallery, dedicated in particular to projects by young international artists.
Among the author's numerous works, some complex and articulated projects emerge. The most significant one must certainly be remembered, which has as its theme the tragedy of Marcinelle (1956).
The archive that holds the author's entire artistic production is located in a three-story building, located inside a historic village at the foot of Cansiglio.
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Vittorio Veneto, Veneto, Italia